Due to very high demand for custom tied flies I have taken the decision to temporally close Granite City Fishing Website once I have caught up with orders I will reopen the website and hopefully bigger and better.
For all those who have got an order with me through the website, I am working on them now and will have them sent out ASAP and if you are looking for flies you can still contact me on Facebook at GCF Fly Shop: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gcfflyshop or email me @ davie@granitecityfishing.co.uk
Thank you so much for your understanding and support and hope to be back very very soon once I get caught up.
P.S check out some of the flies bellow these are the reason why I need to temporarily close due to the high demand on these if you are wanting any then please check out my Facebook link above and send me a message.
Thanks Davie

My new business card